Is 2014 the year the U.S. job market kicks into higher gear—and stays there?
strength in gross domestic product, industrial production and
construction all underpin employment's momentum going into next year.
These indicators also support the case that, absent an economic shock,
total jobs finally could surpass their prerecession peak by mid-2014.
The labor picture has brightened
since the depths of the 2007-09 downturn, but progress has been fitful.
In 2013, employers created an average of 189,000 positions a month,
picking up the pace in October and November, when they added 200,000 and
203,000 jobs, respectively. In the past two years, the unemployment
rate has eased to 7.0% from 8.3%—but much of the decline was due to
jobless individuals ceasing to look for work.
labor market received a vote of confidence from the Federal Reserve,
which decided earlier this month to dial down its $85 billion-a-month
stimulus program, judging the economy strong enough to get by with less
assistance. The central bank in January will lower its purchases to $75
billion and will look to reduce the monthly buys in $10 billion
increments at coming meetings.
Chairman Ben Bernanke, at a news conference after the decision, said,
"Recent economic indicators have increased our confidence that the
job-market gains will continue.…With fiscal restraint likely diminishing
and with signs that household spending is picking up, we expect
economic growth to be strong enough to support further job gains."
in the most recent Wall Street Journal survey expressed similar
optimism, forecasting on average that in 2014 the U.S. will add almost
198,000 jobs a month—the highest estimate since 2005, when the survey
first posed the question. Such a pace would put the country on track to
return to prerecession job levels before July.
improving labor market translates into economic growth, through a
virtuous cycle of production and spending. As demand increases,
employers raise their output to meet it, often by hiring. Workers, in
turn, find jobs, and receive wages that can be spent or saved.
cycle looks to be catching on in the U.S., where brisk consumer and
business spending pushed third-quarter growth to a 4.1% annualized
pace—above the post-World War II average rate of 3.3%. Consumer
confidence, dented by the 16-day federal government shutdown in October,
has rallied and industrial production has surpassed its prerecession
peak—both favorable signals for hiring.
demand will drive job creation in the manufacturing and energy sectors
next year, said
Ward McCarthy,
chief financial economist of Jefferies & Co. He sees
consumers and businesses buying goods ranging from washing machines to
cars to airplanes, after postponing such big-ticket purchases during the
recession and slow recovery that followed. Data company J.D. Power and
forecaster LMC Automotive predict U.S. consumers will spend a record
amount—more than $34 billion—on new vehicles this month.
from auto and aircraft purchases have a ripple effect, Mr. McCarthy
said, because the two sectors "have many feeder industries, so they both
reach pretty deeply into the economy."
Scott Anderson,
chief economist of Bank of the West, expects manufacturing in
particular to lift growth in business spending to near a 4% pace in
2014, up from the roughly 2.6% rate this year.
manufacturing is a lot more competitive globally than it was 10 to 15
years ago," he said, citing productivity growth, the energy boom and the
absence of wage pressures that are affecting some emerging markets.
the most optimistic forecasters concede that while the employment
market is on the right track, it has considerable room to improve.
Closing the recession-created hole in the job market is an important
milestone, though it still leaves the U.S. more than six million jobs
below where it could have been without the downturn. Meanwhile, there
still are almost three unemployed people for every job opening. That is
down from 6.2 unemployed for every opening at the recession's end, but
above the 1.8 ratio at its start.
of the most important implications of having a labor market finally
reach the expansion phase is that we'll start to absorb the surplus
labor that's still sloshing around," Mr. McCarthy said. "It will take
some time but at least now there is light at the end of the tunnel to
see increases in average hourly earnings."
hourly earnings nearly flatlined in the past year, edging up just 2% in
November from a year ago, compared with a 3.3% year-over-year increase
on the eve of the recession.
The ranks
of the long-term unemployed, who have been out of work for at least six
months, still top four million, and represent 2.6% of the workforce.
Federal jobless benefits to 1.3 million of them ended over the weekend,
when a government program expired.
broader economy, which has helped propel job-market progress, also could
prove its undoing. The housing market isn't expected to sustain the
pace of recent gains, as rising home prices and interest rates keep some
buyers out of the market. The Fed's unwinding of its stimulus program
could go awry. A budget deal in Washington has mopped up some fiscal
uncertainty, but the government will broach the debt ceiling again in
early 2014. Meanwhile, many businesses are unsure how to meet the
Affordable Care Act's health-coverage requirements, which go into effect
in 2015.
International risks abound,
too, such as possible weakness in the euro zone or Japan, or rising
energy prices if talks to halt Iran's nuclear program fall apart.
those shocks or other variables, the economic landscape points to a job
market on the brink of a long-awaited—and oft-predicted—breakthrough
Brenda Cronin
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