Low Close Ratios? Longer Than Normal Sales Cycles? Have you been having a frustrating time hiring an effective sales force?
Whether your revenue growth strategy is focused on the next level of
growth or making it through a slow period, there is a common element:
your sales process. How do you know if your sales process needs
Because of its impact on the company’s bottom line, selecting the
right sales people is a critical area that requires a lot of attention.
When the sales force does not achieve the desired results, more sales
training programs are established and the sales representatives with the
lowest level of performance are soon replaced. It seems to be a never
ending cycle in which sales managers see little hope for relief. In
most companies, 80% of the sales seem to come from 20% of the sales
force…Ahh..we all remember the Pareto Principal.
While the objective has always been to try to clone the top 30%, that
really never seems to happen. If a competitor manages to target and
hire away those top sales producers, what happens to the bottom
line? Let Silver Professionals help you attract this talent as an
adjunct to your HR group. We incorporate behavioral questioning
throughout our interview process as we found that past experiences are
the best predictor of future behaviors.
Our national clientele represents many areas including: industrial,
software, hardware, medical, services, high-tech, pharmaceuticals,
business products and more. We place candidates from diversified
backgrounds and experiences; from entry level to sales representatives,
account executives to product managers, and sales engineers to vice
$975 Perm PT or $4995 for FT..Ride the “silver wave”
Ride the "silver wave"..Adjunct to HR,vendor management.
Let us be your contract recruiter
Who We Are |
deepest satisfaction comes from finding other companies to
embrace our scientists,health care, manufacturing, energy/green, legal,
tax , financial, HR, IT professionals and veterans and help them put to
work some of the greatest minds, while increasing their ROI.
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