2013. Carpe Diem.. Greatest opportunities in Health care jobs
Health care job growth is continuing to skyrocket in 2012, in spite of concerns about Medicare payments and slow growth in other sectors. Recruitment experts say that nurse practitioners, general practice doctors and registered nurses will continue to find new job opportunities thanks to the growing senior population, among other factors.
Healthcare Jobs for Nurse Practitioners and Physician
There's a growing need for doctors in community medical
centers, senior-care facilities and related agencies, but not enough
doctors to fill the positions. Since it takes longer for doctors to be
trained and educated, many facilities are considering hiring nurse
practitioners and physician assistants to help fill the shortage.These
are hot jobs for many considering work in the health care field. The
education can usually be completed in a few years after a bachelor's
degree, and compensation can be substantially better than for nurses
with either an associate's degree or a Bachelor of Science degree in
nursing. And, of course, graduating medical school students will also
find a lot of options in the health care sector, since there simply
won't be enough to meet the demand.Registered Nurse
Health is important and since there are billions of people on this planet, there is always a need for a nurse. The growth for registered nurses between 2006 and 2016 is expected to be by 587,000 new jobs. It is the single largest career movement in the United States for 2012.
Registered Nurses can earn an average of $64,690 annually
Home Health Aide
Going right along with the rise of a registered nurse is a home
health aide. Many baby boomers are starting to get older and are looking
to retire so it comes as no surprise that home health aid jobs are
growing in demand. By 2050, 88.5 million of the population will be 65
or older, according the Department of Health and Human Services. That is
double of the estimated elderly for 2010. The need for home health
aides will continue to rise.Home Health Aides earn an average of $20,560 annually.

Elder and Senior-Care Nurses and Assistants..The strongest growth for registered nurses is in areas that are traditionally underserved by medical facilities, such as rural towns and counties. When you take into account the rapidly growing population of Americans over age 50, jobs are abundant for those considering work in geriatrics or at senior-care facilities.While some job experts note that nursing and nursing assistant shortages do vary by region, there is still an ongoing need for about 100,000 new nurses each year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And the greatest number of job opportunities will be available for those who can relocate.
Companies like Silver Professionals.com offering a flat rate to companies nationally for professionals is a growing trend in the healthcare field , and that means that as the government tries to cut costs and reduce payments, having business savvy will play an important part in maintaining quality medical services. There is a growing need for people who have experience in marketing, finance and business administration to improve operations at health-care facilities. In addition to generalists in these fields, there is a growing need for health informatics technicians and others who understand how to move the nation's health-care records into an electronic format for ease of storage and access for medical professionals. These types of positions can pay more than $40,000 per year and only require a post-baccalaureate certificate or an associate's degree. Other business positions may require a bachelor's degree or a master's in business administration, depending on the size of the facility.
Physical Therapists and Dental Hygienists Not all positions that are poised for growth in 2012 are in doctor's offices or hospitals. There is a strong need for physical therapists to help patients of all ages rehabilitate injuries and recover following surgeries. Like nurse practitioner programs, a post-baccalaureate program is usually all it takes.And unlike other sectors of health care, physical therapy is a hot job simply because there is such a high demand for therapists' services. Considering the growth in the aging population, this demand is likely to increase in future years.Dental hygienists also can expect a large uptick in the number of job openings, with a growth of more than one-third between now and the end of the decade, and salaries that average close to $70,000 annually. In addition, dental hygienists have the advantage of working in dentists' offices, where the schedule is closer to 9-5 than some other health-care professions.
Bottom Line...In spite of worries about reform and the recession, hot jobs in health care are the norm rather than the exception. Depending on your level of education, you may find that the right medical job for you is just a few years away, and could provide you the professional and financial satisfaction you want in a career.
Medical Assistant The expansion for medical assistant jobs is expected grow by 34% between 2008 and 2018. Medical assistants usually work either in a doctor’s office or a hospital, but can be found working in other health office settings as well. The rise for medical assistants expands as the healthcare industry grows.
Medical Assistants earn an average of $28,860 annually.
Medical Records Technologists
More patients equals more medical records. Therefore, the need for
medical records technologists will expands as our healthcare need grows.
Medical records technologists complete data needed for doctors and
other healthcare professionals. A 20% rise for medical records
technologists is expected between 2008 and 2018.Medical Records Technologists earn an average of $32,350 annually.
Biomedical Engineering
A biomedical engineer helps to bridge the gap between medicine and
engineering by creating devices to help improve healthcare therapy,
diagnostics and evaluations. They are the very backbone in medical
science discoveries. Careers in biomedical engineering are expected to
grow 72% from 2008-2018.Biomedical Engineers earn an average of $81,540 annually.

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