U.S. Part-Time Workers in Demand: The New Trend in Hiring

The area of hiring that appears to getting stronger is in permanent part-time employment. This part-time work can vary between 20-30 hours a week based on a companies needs. It may be a great way to get back in the job market, while you are still looking for full-time employment or it may even lead you into a full-time job at the company you are working at part-time.
Ron Goldstein, Principal of Silver Professionals, LLC, has found this trend to be real. His firm fills part-time positions for those companies seeking to fill their vacancies. The companies pay his company a fee to find quality talent. With 22 years experience in marketing, recruiting, selling real estate, pharmaceutical, human resources and finance, among others, he has a keen prospective on the job market and an abundant database of contacts to help others secure employment.
He places job seekers, mostly in positions, in healthcare, manufacturing, technology, HR, legal and energy/green and financial services. His success rate for filling open positions is quite high and he appears to be adept at matching talent with open company positions.
Mr. Goldstein has the following tips for job seekers looking to re-enter the job market. He says they need to have the following attributes:
- Critical thinking
- Being a self starter
- Willingness to learn
- Willingness to travel
- Self-confidence
- Teamwork
- Professionalism
Silver Professionals, LLC is holding its 1st Inaugural Networking Mixer on Tuesday, August 16 at 5pm at Quay restaurant & bar at 464E. Illinois by North Pier in Downtown Chicago. Potential employers and employees will have an opportunity to meet and network with one another. It’s a new way of networking that I believe will be more effective for job seekers. The sentrance fee is $15. Bring your resume, business cards and make sure to dress professionally.
For more information on Silver Professionals and/or the event, check out www.silverprofessionals.com.
What is too bad about this is that typically part time employees working 20 - 30 hours will not receive company benefits. So, an increase by companies in hiring part-time employees saves the company a lot of money in benefits they won't pay out. Yes, people will be able to earn wages as part-time employees, but will be cheated out of a big part of what comprises an employees' total compensation package.