Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Carpe Diem! Ride the "Silver Wave".Silver Professionals newsletter w/ latest job opps.

Welcome to Our Newsletter

Carpe Diem. Ride the "Silver Wave"
Current Silver Professionals Job Openings
**NY-Permanent Part time biz devlpt. professional/inside sales for leading provider of web-based interactive floor plans
**4 new jobs..Outside sales/mngmt in NY, San Francisco and Chicago
National leader in the production of photo/graphics and digital direct signage

**6 new jobs. Sales manager/2 outside sales in IL/2 outside sales in WI/1 inside sales in Chicago.Experienced in fabrication/industrial products/process control


Ron Goldstein
MBA, EcoBroker, QSC

phone: (312)264-5846
mobile: (312)771-7190



**Il Licensed architect needed for Chicago mid-sized real estate firm.(5-7 yrs. exp)
**IL-CPA/Audit(Non profit,PCAOB exp a +,5-7 yrs exp)

**3/4 new jobs for IL. Talented outside sales people in the printing/promotional products industry.Their core industries are: hardware distribution,manufac,associations.
** Fitness manager in Northbrook, IL for 24hr. gym(Ext. marketing skills and proactive business mind to success. Oppty. to buy into 2 more franchises)
**New job- Bldg. Engineer/Maintenance. Chicago commercial property management firm with large portfolio seeks experienced building engineer for multi-story office building(s).

If you know anyone that fits any of these positions, please have them email their resumes to ron@silverprofessionals.com.
Our deepest satisfaction comes from finding other companies to embrace our scientists,health care, manufacturing, energy/green, legal, tax , financial, HR, IT professionals and veterans and help them put to work part time some of the greatest minds, while increasing their ROI.

Ride the “silver wave”

Permanent PT.. wave of the future? It’s what we’re all about! $975/permanent part time hire.$1495 for FT hire..90 day guarantees..amazing talent from CEO to COO, CFO, CIO, audit CPAs,Dir of HR, Dir of Manufctg, research scientist, hematologist/oncologist, Concierge Dr… Come check out our 200+ talent available..

Every job is a self portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence.

Who We Are
Ron Goldstein, Principal of Silver Professionals, LLC. has over  22 years of  professionally marketing recruiting and selling in the real estate, pharmaceutical, human resource, energy,green, finance, banking, legal, tax and corporate environments throughout the Chicago metropolitan area. Utilizing the latest in marketing strategies, information technologies and business acumen, he is a  thought leader and trusted advisor throughout your  business transaction.


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